Why I believe in the resurrection

by Paul Gould

JesusAs an undergraduate student at Miami University, some well-meaning students confronted me with the truth claims of Christianity. They explained the gospel to me. They explained that Jesus was divine and that I was a sinner. They explained to me that I could find forgiveness for sins if I tusted in Jesus. They finally left.

But I was left with two burning questions. First, why were those college students—who should, after all, be into women and partying—so into something—God—I hardly every thought about? Second, I realized if what they had said to me about Jesus and Christianity is true, then I’ve missed the boat. My question was: But is it true?

I began to investigate Christianity. Actually, I tried to refute it. Instead, I was overwhelmed with the evidence, first for the reasonableness of belief in God, and second, for the divinity of Christ and the reality of his resurrection from the dead. I had never heard the evidence until I started digging in. I had never considered the possibility that it all might be true! So, what was that evidence that was, and is, compelling to me with respect to the resurrection of Christ?

I will share three lines of evidence I found (and still do find) persuasive.

Read on http://www.paul-gould.com/2014/04/16/why-i-believe-in-the-resurrection-of-jesus/

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