
I am a a retired speech pathologist with the public schools. I established this blog (mainly a collection of discipleship comments by interesting, thoughtful and challenging authors) for my own edification and to make it easier to share with my friends. If others find it and gain from the insights of what I have collected, and hopefully have fully and duly recognized the writers, the better all of us will be. May Jesus grow more real in our thoughts and actions — and thereby revealed to others in our passion and love for him.

26 Responses

  1. Hi, nice to meet you !

  2. Good stuff. I just started a blog myself. It is more challenging than one would think. I would love for you to check it out. God Bless.

  3. I have never understood supernaturalism. But I confess, the dissociative capabilities of all of us are, at least to me, the most fascinating and simultaneously terrifying aspects of what it is to be human.

  4. I love your blog. Little gold nuggets! Keep em coming. Blessings,

  5. I love this blog. If you would like, visit mine at http://www.thejesustimes.com and let me know what you think.

  6. Noel, I think yours is one of the more valuable blogs I read. To be honest, your blog is the only one I do read regularly and find tidbits and big bites that assist my walk with Christ. I like passing these things on to others. Many times, you don’t know how far a simple post reaches, i. e., it gets forwarded and passed along to others for their edification. So . . .

    Please keep up your efforts. Your blog (and the time taken on it) reaches more people than your realize.

  7. I really like the thought and detail of the posts you put up, so I wanted to nominate you for a Very Inspiring Blog award. You can see the shoutout, details, etc, on my post right here: http://liveandlaughwithjesus.wordpress.com/2012/07/25/my-very-inspiring-blogger-award/

  8. Excellent blog and excellent work!

  9. so what do you think about accidentaldisciple.com?

    Shows some promise – will check back.

  10. I’m someone who is convinced that “church” as we see it, know it and experience it is light years away from God’s true thought and intentions.

    If you’re willing, please take a look at my home page at http://whatischurch.org/.

    I’d appreciate your feedback.

  11. I really enjoy your blog šŸ™‚

  12. […] To the blogger at A Disciple’s Study […]

  13. Llama–do you realize search engines don’t like copied content, and are you familiar with and do you utilize the “canonical link”?

  14. A retired speech pathologist. Curious if in your business you’ve done any work with the autism/asperger’s community.

    • I worked with several pre-schoolers who were so diagnosed, but struggled to be effective. It seemed that the numbers were really growing in our district as I was retiring.

    • Ah. I ask because I used to have to take speech therapy. Now I do speaking whenever I can as part of my apologetics ministry. (You shared some of my material on the Apostles’ Creed recently.) I do a podcast every Saturday. Interestingly as well, my wife also has Asperger’s. It makes for an interesting marriage.

  15. After reading Don’s comments and recommendations, my interest was peaked. I look forward to reading your blog!

    • Peaked, as in as high as it gets, or piqued, as in aroused one’s curiosity/interest?

    • Lol sorry piqued is the correct word! My brain obvious had taken a hike when I wrote that comment. Thanks for the heads up on that!

  16. May God grant you the grace to continue to edify people through your blog!

  17. Speech pathologists aren’t supposed to retire–there’s too big a shortage! (My wife teaches SPED and loves the speech folks she works with…)

  18. Thank you for sharing some of the blog post from my page! Grateful that I am able to bless others through these blog posts

  19. I’m convicted that I’ve been prompted by the Lord to “major” in His agape love for the rest of my life, while “minoring” in everything else!
    Thanks for your timely contributions that I just came across this morning, to help me along my path!!
    Good bless you for your sacrifice!!!

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