You Have One Wing, I Have Another

~ Sayable

When I first started keeping a blog, it was the year 2000 and blog was still called weblog and only .01% of the population knew what that was. My page was white and green (some things never change), and was called Like One Angel from a song by Burlap to Cashmere. A song I still love (even though the music is cheesy as heck now…). It’s about being in the mess of life together, and my life was nothing if not a mess at that point. It’s ironic looking back because there has never been a time I felt more alone in my life. That page was a bit like a message in a bottle for me, sending words out into the world, not knowing if they’d ever be read or ever come back to me or if they’d sink to the depths and I would too.

The lyrics went like this:

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